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All The Amazing Work I Did In 2015 – Flashback

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What a wonderful year it has been, I learnt so many new things, I did so many things for the first time, I made a lot of wonderful friends, and I went to and explored so many new places not as a tourist but as a traveller and got to know about different cultures & traditions and most importantly on the blogging front I have become more polished and confident. All thanks to wonderful people around me (family, friends & my wonderful readers) who always made me feel positive and motivated me to achieve goals.
Big thank you to each one of you!!

Before I reveal what I have in my bag for the new year here is a quick recap of the year 2015–

JAN 2015: I started my year with gratitude because it enriches one’s life. It gives you immense pleasure when you are grateful for everything that you have in your life. Read my post on Gratitude here.

I love playing with electronic devices and thanks to my wonderful clients who give me the opportunity to do what I love the most. I got a new mobile device to review on my blog and I shot a video for the first time and stepped into the world of Vlogging(video blogging). You can check out that video here.
FEB 2015:  I tried to create a balance between blogging and producing videos hence I created few more video tutorials on how to make newspaper coasters, check out here. I know you will love this DIY.
I love it when my friends and readers want to be a guest blogger on my blog. Read one such wonderful guest blog by a sweet and lovely friend Vandana who shared some tips on “How to accessorise your home“. Readers just loved this post and its view count is more than a thousand views now.
MAR 2015:  See I told you I am surrounded by such lovely people who bring the best out of me. The brand collaborations I do are no exception. One of the renowned E-commerce brands gave me the opportunity to create a space in my home exclusively for me and my work, a space that reflects my personality, My home office, check it out here. I hope you will get some tips to create your own workspace.
I love DIY projects and gardening too. When I mix both these passions results are always heartwarming. I made tiny cute Owl Planters, check out the tutorial here. You all know how much I love Indian art forms and when you get a bigger canvas to paint the art form you love then it doubles the joy. check out My first commissioned Warli art here.
APR 2015:
Blogging has been a reason to so many good things that happened in my life. One such good thing is to get the opportunity to interact with like-minded people and feature them on my blog. Read about one such talented artist here. You will love what you’ll see there.
The month on my blog doesn’t end without any DIY. I found a rock in my garden and gave it a new life, check out the transformation here.
MAY 2015: 
I love decorating my home and keep rotating the decor accessories. You can check out some happy corners of my home here

I enjoyed some quality time with family on a vacation and brought something for you from Hyderabad, read here. Saying it again that I love decorating my home and keep changing its decor as the season changes. Few tips on decorating home for summers, click here to read. I often receive requests from some of my readers who are artists and crafters about how they can start and promote their business hence a special post on how to earn money online.
Come summers and my home fills with the warm glow of the sun. Clicked some sunkissed corners of my home, see them here.
A multi-talented artist shared her beautiful journey with us, check out here. Sometimes I just love to share simple but useful tips on decorating a specific room in a home and why to ignore bathroom it needs equal attention too, get the tips here. Not only my home’s decor I keep changing the decor of my garden too. One such garden makeover you can see here.

JULY 2015:
July is always a special month for so many reasons. It’s a month of celebrations so I don’t get much time to blog in this month. Then too I managed to post two lovely posts, tips to keep your home safe and one more talented artist showcased her beautiful work check out here.

AUG 2015:
What colourful month it was. I dedicated this month to spread awareness about Channapatna Toy industry. First I blogged about Channapatna-toy town of India and then I received vibrant wooden goodies to enhance the decor of my home.

Time for some tips again, dos and don’ts of decorating read here.
SEP 2015:
As I skipped posting DIY last month so it was essential to post it this month. Check out the tutorial on DIY blooming dry branch here.
I love online shopping and do it quite often. It doubles the joy when shopping is for home sweet home. Check out the post on new age furnishing shopping here. I learnt a very beautiful Indian art form Pattachitra and I am very happy that I learnt it.
OCT 2015:
I made my first Pattachitra leaf bookmark, click here to check out the images what my friends and I made.
October is the month of festivities and we all want our home festive ready, check out some tips on how to make your home festival ready. Diwali is the biggest and brightest festival in our country so I shared some very easy and useful tips to decorated your home for Diwali. This post attracted a lot of eyeballs.
NOV 2015:
This month was dedicated to Diwali cheer. I shared Diwali craft ideas, Diwali gifting ideas and photo flashback of Diwali moments.
DEC 2015:
This month was full of events and activities. I went to Dastkari craft bazaar for the first time and liked it a lot. Check out some colourful images of this event here.
I got some wonderful opportunities and my client challenged me to do something new and hence I gave home decorating a new twist. Bringing in the look a particular city can be a difficult task but I managed to do it and the result was awesome. Read more about it here.
I joined hands with some NGOs and supported some social cause, blogged about one such social cause here.
I am blessed that get to work with so many wonderful people and I would like to thank all my clients who believed in me and they have given me the opportunity to bring the best out of me.
Check out an informative post on how to style a sofa here.
It was Christmas time and my son and I baked and decorated some Christmas cookies for the first time. Check out the complete post here.
So this was the flashback of the year 2015 and before this year ends let me take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has made my life, even more, wonderful and meaningful.
See you all in the new year with new dreams and some new beginnings. You all have a wonderful year ahead 🙂

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