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Monsoon Decor Ideas

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Monsoon has arrived in my neck of the woods
and I am singing the song of the rain. How stunningly the poet Khalil Gibran has described the beauty of rain. All the fields, hills, trees, and flowers feel rejuvenated. As art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul, rain washes away all the pain of yesterday and makes us rejoice. The weather is so conducive to the feelings of rejuvenation and love that I am in a state of perpetual bliss. I love this season for one more reason, I become lively, active, energetic, and happy and it doesn’t bother me even if I over-exert and do my work day in and day out.
Home Decor in Monsoon
Incessant rains have made the world around me look so beautiful and reinvigorated that I couldn’t resist beautifying my space too. Here is how I decorated my home for the monsoon to enjoy every bit of this beautiful season. I brought the rain lilies indoors that were in full bloom in my balcony garden and the pot has taken center stage in my living room. Bringing flowers and greens indoors adds charm and liveliness to the space. Either buy them from the florist get them from your own garden or hunt them in your neighborhood area but you should incorporate flowers into home decor. Flowers can be paired with almost everything and they make the most beautiful vignette.

Home Decor In Monsoon

Giving company to this beautiful bani-thani pot full of fresh blooms is a Moroccan lantern to create a perfect warm ambiance indoors when the weather outside is so cold. Lamps, lanterns, and candles never fail to create a warm and romantic aura so rummage through your cabinets or cupboards and bring your treasure of the lamps, lanterns, and candles out. It is the right time when these lights create the most beautiful warm glow that is soothing to the eyes and soul.

Home Decor In Monsoon
How mesmerizing the combination of flowers and the warm glow of light looks. To make the place look divine, I placed the Ganesha idol surrounded by flowers and tealights.

My color palette consists of yellow, orange, pink, and red this season. Red is powerful, bright, and stimulates the mind. It lends a touch of elegance hence I added a pop of red to my decor this monsoon.

Home Decor In Monsoon

But I will advise you to use red in moderation as too much red can cause aggression and agitation. It’s better to tone it down with softer hues like honey, ochre, orange, and green but still keeping the color palette warm. Keep some house plants around to highlight certain corners in the room or to create the focal point.

Home Decor In Monsoon

Don’t shy away from putting up some seashells and conch to bring in the monsoon vibes. Place some good books on the coffee table to read and you are ready to put your feet up, curl up on the couch, and pretend you are on the hills or at the beach 🙂
Home Decor In Rains
 Burn some aroma candles and tealights don’t save them for a special occasion.  Feel the magic as the aroma envelops you and relieves your stress.
Home Decor In Monsoon
You don’t always need urli to float the flowers whatever you have is just enough to bring about the beauty. My coffee table is all decked up for the monsoon.
Home Decor In Monsoon
I love my home office and I spend a good amount of time there so it should be like other rooms in my home, warm and soothing in cold weather. On my desk, I added a Kerala mural painting that I painted recently. More about it some other day 🙂 Warm colors here are creating the perfect atmosphere to boost productivity.
Home Decor In Monsoon
View from my balcony becomes so picturesque in the monsoon that I gaze at it in awe and often I can be seen clicking lots of pictures of nature in its purest form. Here are a few such awe-inspiring views from my balcony garden.
I love watching the sunset from my balcony especially in summers and in monsoon. Nature never ceases to amaze me with its infinite colors and enthralling forms.
Monsoon Decor in My home
What’s monsoon without some scrumptious Indian food on the platter. I have two gourmets at my home and I try my best to tantalize their taste buds. Some days it’s lip-smacking baby samosas and pakode…
Food in rainy season
and other days healthy soups to fill us up and are a pleasure to have in rainy chilly weather.
Monsoon in India
Hungry?? Go make yourself some soup or pakodes and enjoy the weather.
This is all that I have for you this monsoon. Hope you like it. Stay tuned to take a tour of the home that reflects India. Until then check out my Instagram feed (click here).
Happy Monsoon!!

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