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When Creative Juices Flow- Splash of Color

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Colors, colors, and colors! That’s what is keeping me busy all these days and I’m a bit tied up with household chores and my naughty kid is keeping me on my toes.

I’ve added a few colors to my garden…actually, this has been on my mind for quite a long time now and finally, I did it.
I painted planters in different colors and added floral motifs to break the monotony. I am thinking of painting some more pots (or maybe all of them) with different shades and motifs. There’s a lot to do but for now, this is what I’ve done ….
That’s not all I also painted a few plastic containers ……and I have a few ideas on how I’m going to use them and sure I’ll let u know…..till then have a look. I used enamel paint as a base coat and for other details and motifs, I used acrylic paint and I used varnish as a top coat.
This orange one is a terracotta pot ….. a work in progress…….
The blue one is completed and this is how it looks it will serve as a planter.
All these from my side what you are up to friends….. let me know !!
Happy weekend and stay creative my friends!!

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12 Responses

  1. This is so beautiful Disha, your plants will be very happy:)your color choices are great too.Can't wait to see what you will do with plastic containers. I would love to know…

  2. Wow Disha…gorgeous !!You have taken this planters to a whole new level !!those motifs are so beautifully painted.I love it!!thanks for sharing , Girl 🙂

  3. Disha.. its truly beautiful.. Love the colours.. and the contrast colours used for the flowers as well.. wow!! You are super talented..

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