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Diary Of a Design Blogger

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One who knows me more than anyone in this world, gifted me this thoughtful gift- a diary. He knows that I plan everything well in advance and for that I need a diary. Not only do I write my favorite quotes and all those things that make me happy every day but I write about my blogging journey too.
Though my husband’s gift was very thoughtful its cover was so dull, that the moment I held it I wanted to change it and I did so. Now it’s totally my kind of and it sure is a diary of a design blogger.
Diary of a design blogger
I told you on my Facebook page this morning that I will be coming up with an easy peasy DIY, I was talking about this diary makeover. Here is how I did it:
First I covered the diary in my favourite green handmade paper.
Diary of a design blogger
Now I wanted something interesting on the diary cover. I have been hoarding cuttings of this elephant picture from an incense stick’s pack because I don’t know why but I find it very intriguing. So I used the decoupage technique and pasted the elephant cut out on the diary.
Diary Of A Design Blogger

And added some cutouts of flowers and tree trunks from a magazine that I found lovely.

Diary Of A Design Blogger

For the bookmark, I punched a hole in an elephant cut-out and tied it with a satin ribbon. Here’s the bookmark is ready and going pretty well with the diary.

Diary Of A Design Blogger

Here is a close-up of my graceful elephant.

Diary Of A Design Blogger

Did you like this Diary Makeover, I totally liked the outcome. It’s my kind of 🙂

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