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Indian Art: Pichwai Paintings Of Rajasthan

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Posts in the ‘Indian Art‘ series on my blog are my endeavor to bring back the lost charm of various ancient Indian art forms and to let more and more people know about the rich culture and heritage of India.
Pichwai painting is an art form that has its roots in Rajasthan and more precisely in Nathdwara.
Pichwai means ‘at the back’ so these paintings are basically used as decorative curtains/backdrops in Shrinath ji temples and Krishna temples in Rajasthan. These cloth hangings are considered very sacred and devotees offer these cloth hangings in temples and take them back home as souvenirs as well.

Image Source: Click Here


Pichwai was born when Vallabhaichari sect created pictorial illustrations of festivals and occasions as a backdrop for the Krishna temple in Nathdwara.

Image Source: Click Here

These paintings are known to have more details and are more polished and pure than Phad paintings which are another form of painting in Rajasthan but are very similar to Pichwai. The figure of Shrinath ji (Krishna) is shown decked in vibrant festive costumes. Features that I like most are big eyes, sharp noses, and colorful costumes with all fine details, be it sheer dupattas of Gopis(milkmaids) and Radha or jewels and gems studded in crowns and other jewelry. Trees, decorated animals, and beautiful birds are other eye-catching features.

Image Source: Click Here

It all started with iconography for the Krishna temple so the main theme is Shrinath ji(Krishna) and his heroic and notable deeds. Though the theme varies according to the season you will see ponds and pink lotuses in summer Pichwai, full moon, and dark background can be seen in Sharad Poornima Pichwai. Themes are based on festivals and occasions like Holi, Annakoot, Rasleela, and Janmashtmi.

Image Source: Click Here

It can be painted, embroidered, printed, or woven in applique. Earlier Pichwai was done on loose, rough, hand-spun fabric and painted in permanent natural colors that were extracted from vegetables and minerals and that don’t tend to fade with time. Outlines are always dark-hued and lighter soft tones are used for filling the picture. These days quick materials like paint brushes and machine-made fabric are used which obviously saves a lot of time.
First, a rough sketch of the painting is drawn on starched fabric. Then the color is filled gradually in the entire painting and then it is outlined with dark color. Painting is then adorned with gems, and stones or embroidered with gold thread to enhance the beauty of it.
The more I learn about these paintings the more I am tempted to buy one for myself 🙂

(UPDATE (04/01/2020): I have painted a pichwai painting for myself)

If you too are intrigued by the beauty and intricacy of this art then you must try to make one. I have shared the Pichwai Painting Tutorial on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video video below.

Below is the Pichwai template for you guys. Hope you enjoy making this art!!

I would love to see your recreations. Don’t forget to share them with me on my Instagram:
Stay positive and keep creating!!!

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4 Responses

  1. Mam its beautifully explained. I am already your subscribed member.
    Having a class this week.
    Tips are very useful.
    Will view the video again.
    Thank you.
    Stay blessed.

  2. Mam its beautifully explained. I am already your subscribed member.
    Having a class this week.
    Tips are very useful.
    Will view the video again.
    Thank you.
    Stay blessed.

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