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My Sketches

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Today I stumbled across these sketches that I drew during my college days. They are 10 years old now. Some are my imagination and some inspirations. The below one is one of my favorites. This is an inspiration from an old newspaper.
This Krishna sketch is completely my imagination and I love this too. Though it has some dirty spots on it now, soon I’ll do something of it.
Image: By me

I love portraits so I created this one of famous a writer….any guesses?

I have a special place in my heart for Ganesh Ji. I saw a very beautiful sculpture of Ganesh Ji and instantly fell in love with that. So I sketched this one.

One of my favorite sketches named “Mother-baby” has been given for framing so I am not able to post its picture at the moment but whenever I get it back I’ll certainly upload it.

Happy Sketching!!!

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