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Wall Makeover : Wall With Personal Touch

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You must have read the post on “Awesome Entryways” on my blog earlier.
On a quest to make my home’s entryway interesting and awesome, I did a simple makeover. This is the very first makeover of my place lot more will follow soon. Let’s first have a look at before and after images of the entrance to my home.
A plain, dull, and stark wall on the left and a bright, beautiful, inviting, and welcoming wall on the right. Don’t you agree?
What a wonderful difference. I am totally digging it. Images are not doing justice though 🙁
Now the story of this wall transformation goes like this………
I always strive to add some personal touches in my home. I am on a mission to fill colors in my home (my blank canvas) and I started it from the foyer. First, I thought of stenciling the wall and one more idea was to draw a free hand design and then paint it. So just for a rough idea, I came up with these two designs. Sent these images to my sister and she loved the idea of the freehand design .
I wanted the wall in a bright colour as the entrance to my home is little cozy and dark. After a lot of brain-wracking, I zeroed in on this mango yellow colour. My Lil one was ready to lend his helping hand for sanding, priming, painting and designing the wall. 4 Yr old and did the job so well that I was just amazed to see everything he has done. Kids these days are very smart 🙂
Then I drew a freehand design on the wall and started filling brown color in it.

Though it was a freehand design I wanted to give it a look of a stencil. For Lotus, I was confused between white and red color. Then decided to go with white.


Steps involve in making leaves……….

Here’s a look after filling color but my hands were itching to do more.

I filled gold acrylic color in leaves’ veins and it looked perfect. It shines when light falls on it and make it look more interesting.

Here is the completed wall ….looking bright and beautiful…….but still something is missing……

Sorry for bad image quality (Picture clicked with mobile phone)
Here comes the complete look. Look that gave me full satisfaction. It turned out far better than my imagination. And here I wanted to let all my friends know that this sunburst mirror is also my creation and I created it in only 3hrs because I was in a hurry to complete this wall as soon as possible (Sometimes I become so impatient).
It feels great, wonderful, amazing when you see your own creations everywhere around your dwelling.
This wall has transformed the look and feel of the place dramatically. Stamped with my personality, this wall describes me well. Sometimes I just sit in my living room and keep admiring the beauty of this wall….crazy me 😉

Let me know your views and ideas about this wall. Click the link below for Sunburst mirror tutorial:
Sunburst Mirror Tutorial

Loved my blog, then probably you don’t want to miss any update, here are the links to my social media platforms where I share home decor tips and beautiful images regularly. See you there!!

Happy Decorating!!!


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17 Responses

  1. wow Disha..way to go girls!!
    I am totally digging this wall story…I too am inspired by you to trasform my entrance wall now…seriously this one is awesome:)
    And pls pls do that post on sunburst mirror…i had a similar one from Ikea but gave it away when I moved to India…Now I want to make one like you…so can u pls do the needful ASAP :))

  2. Hi Disha,

    The wall makeover has been very beautifully done. I love the fact that you did free hand design which has come out so well…We have white walls and have always been scared of doing anything on it. Takes some creative guts to try something exciting 🙂


  3. @anandhirajan: Thanks a lot
    @Diya: Thank you Diya. Loved your blog totally!!
    @vandana craftsia: Thanks Vandana, little one is always there to help me in each and every work. Thanks for dropping by.
    @Somu @ Woodooz: Thanks Somu, Thanks a lot for leaving such a wonderful comment. Earlier I too was very scared of painting a wall but one day I just decided and painted it and result is here.

  4. Disha,

    Came here from Colours Decor feature. Loved the sun burst mirror (I'm a total sucker for those, right now making one of my own) and the wall art. Now all that space needs is a foyer table. Reading through the rest of your blog.

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